Back to the secret shortcut
keys on Adobe Photoshop tips! :D
Kali ini ada 20 shortcut
keys tentang View Images. Silakan
disimak dan dihapalkan ya. Semakin sering dipakai, semakin terbiasa dan otomatis
hapal dengan sendirinya.
Shortcut keys ini
bisa dipakai di OS Mac maupun Windows. Untuk Windows, tombol Command = Ctrl dan
Option = Alt ya. Selamat mencoba..
Command + Tab
Cycle through open documents
Shift + Command + `
Switch to previous document
Shift + Command + W
Close a file in Photoshop and open
Toggle between Standard mode and Quick
Mask mode
F / Shift + F
Toggle (forward) between Standard
screen mode, Maximized screen mode, Full screen mode, and Full screen mode
with menu bar
Space + F /
Space + Shift +
Toggle (forward) canvas color
Double-click Hand tool
Fit image in window
Command + 1
Magnify 100%
Switch to Hand tool (when not in
text-edit mode)
Shift + Drag
Simultaneously pan multiple documents
simultaneously with Hand tool
Command + Space
Switch to Zoom In tool
Option + Space
Switch to Zoom Out tool
Space + Drag
Move Zoom marquee while dragging with
the Zoom tool
Shift + return in Navigator panel zoom percentage box
Apply zoom percentage, and keep zoom
percentage box active
Command + drag over
preview in Navigator panel
Zoom in on specified area of an image
Space + Drag, or
drag view area box in Navigator panel
Scroll image with Hand tool
Page Up or Page Down
Scroll up or down 1 screen
Shift + Page Up or Page Down
Scroll up or down 10 units
Home or End
Move view to upper-left corner or lower
right corner
\ (backslash)
Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith
(layer mask must be selected)
Shortcut keys Adobe Photoshop untuk Select Tools bisa dibaca di sini ya. ^^
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