Hi all... Christmas holiday is coming soon, and so is the Christmas eve. So, this time Creativo holds a mini competition for students who want to spend their holiday with creativity. The theme is Christmas Eve.

Though this competition isn't a big one but you still have the opportunity to get the prize. IDR 500,000 for one selected winner and IDR 250,000 for one favourite winner.

The terms and conditions of the competition are as below:
1a. Participant is a high school or undergraduate student, for those who
works already are not allowed to join this competition.
1b. Participant should create an art work (sketch or photo or computer
editing, etc.) with "CHRISTMAS EVE" theme.
1c. The art work should contain "CREATIVO" word and the original name of
1d. Participant should give his/her art work a unique title and 2-3 sentences
to describe it.
1e. Participant should send his/her art work to "Creativo School" Facebook
and set it as his/her profile picture along the competition.
1f. Creativo will count number of LIKE of each participant and decide the
winners on 4 January 2011. Announcement of the winners will be done
on 5 January 2010.

2a. For selected winner, the marking is based on 40% of LIKE and 60% of
mark from Creativo.
2b. For favourite winner, the marking is based on the most LIKE.
2c. Those who don't meet the written terms & conditions can't join this

3a. If a winner lives in Surabaya, the cash prize MUST BE taken at
CREATIVO Campus (Jl. Raya Kupang Baru No.8 Surabaya) on Monday -
Friday from 10 AM to 4 PM.
3b. If a winner lives outside Surabaya, please send details, copy of student
card and ID card to or so that we can send the prize more easily.

Sooo... what are you waiting for.... Let's join the competition and share the XMAS FUN..!!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

kak tanya,,penghitungan 40 persen itu gimana ya??setiap anak yang nge-like nilainya berapa mang??batasan nilai dari kakak sendiri berapa sampai berapa??

Anonymous said...

kak tanya kalo di foto itu misal ada 2 foto terus jumlah like foto 1=5 foto 2=10 apa berlaku akumulasi??

Anonymous said...

kak tanya itukan ada yang pake animasi jumlah like=39 tapi yang di album cuma 3like nya,,yang masuk hitungan yang mana ya kak??

Creativo said...

maap baru bales nih... soalnya beberapa hari ini sibuk.

Menanggapi pertanyaan yang pertama: 40% itu hanya dilihat dari vote siapa yang terbanyak, 60% itu di lihat dari keputusan beberapa pengajar apakah sesuai dengan konsep "Christmas Eve" dan ketentuan lomba.

Menanggapi pertanyaan yang ke dua: yang dimaksud itu 2 karya dari 1 peserta atau gimana ya? Karena 1 peserta hanya kita hitung 1 karya. ^^

Menanggapi pertanyaan yang ke tiga: Sebetulnya hanya kita hitung yang ada di album, nanti kita coba pertimbangkan hal ini. Selagi masih ada waktu, coba kamu tag ke teman-teman kamu dari karya yang sudah di jadikan 1 dengan album. Karena akan lebih fair jika mereka melihat semua karya untuk bisa menentukan yang terbaik, baru mereka beri like ^^

Terima kasih..

Priska said...

kak aku udah add fbnya.. di approve yaa ^^ soalnya akumau upload desainku :)

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